One day in a very long time there was some stuff floating in the air that looked contagious so we took them and looked very closely and we began to see little dots forming on the suface of the stuff. Well, some people aren't quite sure how to handle such things, but we were trained proffesionals in our own time. All we did was let it sit there. That's all we did. By the time his siezing had subsided from earlier then all of us went to check up on Jeffrey whom we had coveniently left behind at the crossroads from which we'd originaly departed. We fed him some instant spaghetti and he was fine in a couple of minutes; thanked us and said the gas was subsiding. Sometimes I wonder where he gets it. Oh well, beats me, I don't ponder on it to much 'couse it feels kinda wierd. Any way, when we got back the stuff was gone, mabey it had blown away, but we had to go looking for it and that's prety much what we did. Nobody knew. When a butter fly passed over head I thought wow
that's nice but when a they passed right by I thought wow that's wierd and sooner or later I just had to look. There were lots of confused people running around during the debalical. It was fun. But right now it wasn't because this was going on for a very long time and I was begining to get concerned. I thought I wonder If there are any other butterflys left for the rest of the world. I meant that when I said that. Then lots of things happened at once; the wind was windy and the butterflys flew away (bye bye butterflyyyys) and corn started growing from the earth and we couldn't hear eachothers holors and tornados were forming and there was lightning and thunder and heavy smog in the sky and I saw it when the earth started quaking and we rose up in song and Timmys glasses got knocked off of his head. Bummer for him. I guess. There the speck was there floaten as if it had neven went away in the firstplace and we chaced it and we caught it untill we were in another land,
and it was not the same land as before, or else it was different in some way, 'cause I would Kow these things, trust me, I would know.
until: 6 October 2009 21∶00∶20